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Internet addiction disorder

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Internet addiction disorder Empty Internet addiction disorder

مُساهمة  samia helal الثلاثاء نوفمبر 18, 2008 8:51 pm

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Internet addiction disorder (IAD) is a disorder originally proposed in a satirical hoax[1] by Ivan Goldberg, M.D., in 1995. He took pathological gambling as diagnosed by the DSM-IV as his model for the spoofed description.
Although IAD was meant to be a hoax, it is promoted as a real
condition by some supporters. Supporters often divide IAD into subtypes
by activity, such as pornography,[2] overwhelming and immoderate gaming,[3]social networking sites or blogging[4], and Internet shopping addiction.[5]net compulsions.[6]
Others, such as reading or playing computer games, are troubling only
to the extent that these activities interfere with normal life.
inappropriate involvement in online
Activities which, if done in person, would normally be considered
troublesome, such as compulsive gambling or shopping, are sometimes
Problematic computer use or pathological computer use
are accepted descriptions for excessive computer use that interferes
with daily life. These terms avoid the distracting and divisive term addiction and are not limited to any single cause.


Despite opposition from many quarters, researcher Kimberly Young,
Psy. D. is lobbying for the inclusion of IAD into the DSM-V, the next
edition of the DSM. Some proponents believe that its inclusion would
open the doors for private insurance companies to pay for Internet
addiction counseling. However, many others argue that IAD is neither a
true addiction nor a specific disorder and should not be classified as
a mental disorder in DSM-V. Furthermore, there is no evidence that
people needing treatment are being denied it; instead, their situations
are coded under other labels, such as ADD or depression, according to the underlying situation.

In June 2007, the American Medical Association declined to recommend to the American Psychiatric Association that they include IAD as a formal diagnosis in the 2012 edition of the DSM.[7] Instead, their toned-down response recommended further research of "video game overuse."[8] Members of the American Society of Addiction Medicine opposed calling Internet overuse and video games a true addiction.[9] Among the necessary research is a way to define "overuse" and a way to differentiate an "internet addiction" from obsession, self-medication for depression or other disorders, and compulsion.
While there is mixed agreement about whether Internet Addiction is a
legitimate condition, simultaneously, self-proclaimed sufferers are
resorting to the courts for redress. In one recent American case
(Pacenza v. IBM Corp.), the plaintiff argued he was illegally
terminated in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act owing to his Internet Addiction triggered by Vietnam War-related Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The case is pending before the court in the Southern District of New York (case summarized in Glaser & Carroll, 2007).


According to Maressa Orzack, director of the Computer Addiction Study Center at Harvard University's McLean Hospital, between five and ten percent of Web surfers suffer some form of Web dependency.[10]
Another supporter, David Greenfield, Ph.D. of the Center for Internet Behavior conducted a study with ABC in 1999 and is author of Virtual Addiction. He believes that some services available over the Internet have unique psychological properties which induce dissociation, time distortion,
and instant gratification, with about 6% of individuals experiencing
some significant impact on their lives. However, he says it may not
best be seen as an addiction but rather as a compulsion. Greenfield claims that sex, gaming, gambling, and shopping online can produce a mood-altering effect.

According to the Center for Internet Addiction Recovery
(whose director is Kimberly S. Young, a researcher who has lobbied for
the recognition of net abuse as a distinct clinical disorder),
"Internet addicts suffer from emotional problems such as depression and
anxiety-related disorders and often use the fantasy world of the
Internet to psychologically escape unpleasant feelings or stressful
Over 60% of people seeking treatment for IAD claim involvement with
sexual activities online which they consider inappropriate, such as
excessive attention to pornography or involvement in explicit sexual
conversations online.[12] More than half are also addicted to alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or sex.[11]

"Several counselors and other experts said time spent on the
computer was not important in diagnosing an addiction to the Internet.
The question, they say, is whether Internet use is causing serious
problems, including the loss of a job, marital difficulties,
depression, isolation and anxiety, and still the user cannot stop. "The
line is drawn with Internet addiction," said Mr. Zehr of Proctor
Hospital, "when I'm no longer controlling my Internet use. It's
controlling me." Dr. Cash and other therapists say they are seeing a
growing number of teenagers and young adults as patients, who grew up
spending hours on the computer, playing games and sending instant
messages. These patients appear to have significant developmental
problems, including attention deficit disorder and a lack of social

In a March 2008 editorial published in the American Journal of
Psychiatry, Dr. Jerald Block (2008) argues that Internet Addiction
should be included as a disorder in the new fifth edition of the APA's
Diagnostic & Statistical Manual [14].
He reasons that symptoms of IA mirror other compulsive/impulsive
disorders, including: 1.) excessive use (often associated with a loss
of sense of time); 2.) withdrawal
symptoms when access is denied; 3.) increasing tolerance (including
growing needs for exposure to obtain the same effects); and, 4.)
negative repercussions (including social isolation). He notes that
research has shown that up to 86% of study subjects showing IA symptoms
also exhibited other diagnosable mental health disorders .

samia helal

عدد الرسائل : 24
تاريخ التسجيل : 11/11/2008

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Internet addiction disorder Empty رد: Internet addiction disorder

مُساهمة  samia helal الثلاثاء نوفمبر 18, 2008 8:53 pm


IAD suffers first from its misleading title. Psychiatrist Dr.
Goldberg acknowledges that Internet Addiction Disorder is not a true
addiction and may in fact be no more than a symptom of other, existing
An overbroad description of addiction leaves open the possibility of
every compensatory behavior being declared an addiction. For example, a
person who has lengthy telephone conversations with a friend to avoid
an unpleasant situation could be declared "addicted to the telephone"
with equal validity as a person who chats on the Internet with the same
basic goal at bottom.

Many others, including Carol Potera,
agree that Internet Addiction is inappropriately named. To the extent
that the Internet is a social medium instead of an object, people
cannot be addicted to it. The analogy is made to an environment: a
person can not be truly addicted to living in a favorite town (no
matter how distressing a change of home might be), and a goldfish can
not be addicted to living in a pond.

Secondly, it is widely recognized, even by its supporters, that most
if not all "Internet addicts" already fall under existing, legitimate
diagnostic labels.[16] For many patients, overuse or inappropriate use of the Internet is merely a manifestation of their depression, anxiety, impulse control disorders, or pathological gambling.[17] In this criticism, IAD is compared to food addiction, in which patients overeat as a form of self-medication for depression, anxiety, etc., without actually being truly addicted to eating.

It is possible that a person could have a pathological relationship with a specific aspects of the Internet, such as bidding on online auctions, viewing pornography, online gaming, or online gambling (which is included under the existing Pathological Gambling),
but that does not make the Internet medium itself be addictive. Here
are common problems which are improperly lumped together under the IAD

  • A pathological gambler is a pathological gambler regardless of whether the gambling is done on a computer or face-to-face.
  • A person with poor impulse control can lose sleep over a
    suspenseful novel or favorite television show just as easily as he or
    she can lose sleep over an exciting computer game or the temptation to
    click on another web link.

  • A person with a sexual obsession is still a person with a sexual
    obsession, whether the pornography is viewed on a screen or on paper.

  • A person who shops obsessively (including during a manic phase) has an obsessive shopping problem whether the purchases are made in person, by mail, by phone, or online.
  • A problem day trader, who has a form of pathological gambling, is
    still a problem day trader regardless of whether the stock trading is
    done by computer, over the phone, or face-to-face.

Also, there are significant and critical differences between common
Internet activities (e-mail, chatting, web surfing) and pathological
gambling, which the IAD notion heavily parallels. The Internet is
largely a pro-social, interactive, and information-driven medium, while
gambling is seen as a single, anti-social behavior that has very little
social redeeming value. So-called Internet addicts do not suffer from
the same damage to health and relationships that are common to
established addictions.[16]


One researcher estimates that up to nine million Americans could be labeled as pathological computer users.[19]
British psychiatrists, reporting last year in the journal Advances
in Psychiatric Treatment, say a "significant minority" - some estimate
between five and 10 per cent of online users—are addicted to the
Internet, and that while early research suggests most are highly
educated, highly introverted males, more recent studies suggest the
bulk of the problem is occurring among middle-aged women on home

Several countries in Asia, particularly China and South Korea, have
been reported to have the highest incidence of computer or Internet
addiction among young people.

Up to 30 percent of South Koreans under 18, or about 2.4 million
people, are at risk of Internet addiction, said Ahn Dong-hyun, a child
psychiatrist at Hanyang University in Seoul who just completed a
three-year government-financed survey of the problem. [21]

Data from China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), as of
June 30, 2006, showed that 123 million people had gone online, of which
14.9% were teenagers below 18 years old. Chou and Hsiao reported that
the incidence rate of Internet Addiction among Taiwan college students
was 5.9% [22]. Wu and Zhu[23] identified 10.6% of Chinese college students as Internet addiction [24]

One Beijing judge, Shan Xiuyun, claimed that 85 percent of juvenile crime in the city was internet-related.[25]China Communist Youth League claimed in 2007 that over 17 percent of Chinese citizens between 13 and 17 are addicted to the internet.[26] The
Block (2008) cites recent research data that suggested that 13.7% of
Chinese adolescents -- roughly 10 million people -- met the diagnostic
criterion for Internet Addiction. That insight, reportedly, led to
China to restrict use of computers for gaming to three hours per day


In many cases, though not all, the problem corrects itself. "It was
Professor Kiesler who called Internet addiction a fad illness. In her
view, she said, television addiction
is worse. She added that she was completing a study of heavy Internet
users, which showed the majority had sharply reduced their time on the
computer over the course of a year, indicating that even problematic
use was self-corrective.

samia helal

عدد الرسائل : 24
تاريخ التسجيل : 11/11/2008

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